CBSE Board Exam 2024

CBSE Board Exam 2024 – Instructions to Update OECMS Portal

CBSE Board Exam 2024 – Instructions to Update OECMS Portal

The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has issued a directive to examination centers regarding updating examination data in the Online Exam Centre Management System (OECMS) portal.

Here are the key points from the official notification

Purpose of Update: Centre superintendents of ongoing board exam centers are instructed to ensure the timely updating of examination centre data in the OECMS Portal as per CBSE instructions.

Importance of Compliance: CBSE emphasized the significance of this update, stating that it is essential for day-to-day monitoring of examination conduct. Additionally, the data will be utilized to calculate payments to various functionaries through the Integrated Payment System (IPS).

Warning Regarding Payment Calculation: CBSE warned that failure to submit information on the OECMS portal for a particular day would result in a non-calculation of payment for that day through IPS. Therefore, examination centers must submit data daily, even without absentees.

The CBSE notification highlights the importance of adhering to these instructions for the smooth conduct of board examinations and accurate payment processing.

For further updates and details, examination centers are advised to refer to the official communications from CBSE.

This directive underscores CBSE’s commitment to ensuring the efficiency and integrity of the examination process and associated administrative tasks.

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CBSE Board Exam 2024 - Instructions to Update OECMS Portal
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CBSE Board Exam 2024 - Instructions to Update OECMS Portal
CBSE Board Exam 2024 - Instructions to Update OECMS Portal
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Physics Wala
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